
This tutorial gives an overview of how to use the LANTERN library for analyzing genotype-phenotype landscape (GPL) datasets.

Genotype phenotype dataset

GPL Dataset

LANTERN provides a pytorch Dataset type for GPL datasets. Currently, the implementation assumes that the raw GPL data will come in the form of a pandas DataFrame. At minimum, the DataFrame should have:

  1. A substitutions column representing the string encoded mutational data of each variant. For example, the string “+a:+b” represents a variant with the mutations “+a” and “+b”. To control how mutation strings are processed, see tokenizer.

  2. One or more phenotypes columns measured for each variant

  3. An optional matching set of errors columns (one for each phenotype). Assumed to be observed variance

An example dataset (see Simulating a GPL dataset):

>>> df = pd.read_csv("example.csv")
>>> df.head()
  substitutions  phenotype
0           NaN   0.759801
1            +a   1.141440
2            +b   0.159070
3            +c   0.075118
4            +d   0.807002

To create the actual Dataset object, provide the DataFrame

>>>  from lantern.dataset import Dataset
>>>  ds = Dataset(df)
>>>  ds
Dataset(substitutions='substitutions', phenotypes=['phenotype'], errors=None)
>>>  len(ds)
>>>  ds[0] # get the first element (a tuple of x_0, y_0)
(tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), tensor([0.7598]))

The genotype of each variant is represented as a one-hot encoded vector, where 0 or 1 indicate absence or presence of a mutation, respectively. To see what each element of \(x_i\) corresponds to, you can look at the dataset Tokenizer.

>>>  ds.tokenizer.tokens
['+a', '+b', '+c', '+d', '+e']

You can also easily intraconvert between one-hot encoded and mutation strings:

>>>  ds.tokenizer.tokenize("+a:+c")
tensor([1., 0., 1., 0., 0.])
>>>  ds.tokenizer.detokenize(ds[14][0])

An alternative data format is supported, comparing the full sequence for each variant against the wild-type (see from_sequences()).

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"phenotype": [0]*3, "sequence": ["AAA", "ATC", "CGA"]})
>>> ds = lantern.dataset.Dataset.from_sequences(df, wildtype="AAA", sequence_col="sequence")
>>> ds.tokenizer.tokens
['A1C', 'A2G', 'A2T', 'A3C']

Building a LANTERN model

A LANTERN model is composed of three key elements:

  1. A Basis that performs a linear transformation of a one-hot encoded mutational vector to a low-dimensional latent mutational effect space

  2. A Surface that models the non-linear relationship between the latent mutational effect space and the observed phenotypes

  3. A Likelihood that determines the random noise associated with each phenotype measurement

Mathematically, the two-step operation executed by LANTERN to model an observed phenotype \(y_i\) with genotype \(x_i\) (which is one-hot encoded, as described above) is:

(1)\[z_i = W x_i\]
(2)\[y_i = f(z_i) + \epsilon_i\]

For a basis \(W\) and non-linear surface \(f\) to be learned from the data, and \(\epsilon_i\) is noise modeled by the Likelihood. LANTERN provides a python interface for this learning problem, in particular approximate Bayesian inference on \(W\), \(f\), and the parameters of the Likelihood.

Currently, there is a single interface to both the Basis and Surface elements. Similarly, the only supported Likelihood`s are the univariate and multivariate Gaussian distributions provided by `GPyTorch. There are built-in factory methods for both Basis and Surface using the Dataset object we have already created:

>>>  basis = VariationalBasis.fromDataset(ds, K=8, meanEffectsInit=True)
>>>  surface = Phenotype.fromDataset(ds, K=8)

To speed-up inference, we initialize the first dimension of the basis to the mean effects of each mutation (meanEffectsInit=True).

The argument K describes the maximum number of possible latent dimensions to be discovered in the data. In general, K should be large enough to ensure that all relevant dimensions are learned by the model. For reference, five latent dimensions were sufficient for a dataset with over 100,000 observations. Our example dataset with only 32 examples was simulated with a single latent dimension. But, LANTERN should learn this from the data rather than needing a “hard-coded” value. In general, K=8 is a reasonable default value but if all latent dimensions are active in your learned model then consider increasing this value.

After creating our Basis and Surface, we can now create a unified Model

>>>  model = Model(basis, surface, GaussianLikelihood())

If the phenotype is multivariate, then the model should be created as

>>>  model = Model(basis, surface, MultitaskGaussianLikelihood(ds.D))

Training a LANTERN model

In order to learn the components of the LANTERN model, we have to build a Loss for training. This is made straightforward

>>>  loss = model.loss(N=len(ds))

We have to provide the size of the dataset (N=len(ds)) to ensure the proper balance between model complexity and evidence provided by the data.

This loss can then be used to optimize the model. We provide a standard training procedure here:

>>>  from torch.optim import Adam
>>>  optimizer = Adam(loss.parameters(), lr=0.01)
>>>  for i in range(100):
>>>      optimizer.zero_grad()
>>>      yhat = model(X)
>>>      lss = loss(yhat, y)
>>>      total = sum(lss.values())
>>>      total.backward()
>>>      optimizer.step()

The results should like

(Source code)

Downstream Analysis

Examples of downstream analysis of trained models can be seen in the Examples.